Terence McKenna Web Article
A student project from my final year at SCCA, we were assigned to pick a good longform article and transform it into a visually compelling web experience to be viewed on desktop primarily. Clarita Hinojosa and I partnered for this project and had the awesome opportunity to work with Todd Durboraw who is a web design wizard and was a year behind us in the SCCA design program at the time. We chose an article published by Wired in 2000 exploring the life and death of psychedelic guru and visionary Terence McKenna. His life was simply beyond reality and the subject matter certainly lent itself to creating interesting visuals. My role in this project was creating the layout, collaboratively establishing style guides, project management, processing artwork, and working in tandem with Clarita as she illustrated and created psychedelic visuals and animations, andTodd as he did the markup, styles, and coding. I also did some photo treatments, patterning, and light illustration. Below is a sampling of some of the assets I created.